Commercial digestate which is most commonly used on arable crops can also be utilised on grass leys for multi-cut silage, hay, haylage and grazing ground. FGS Organics have invested in specialist and bespoke machinery and equipment that allows digestate fertiliser to be applied to grass effectively and efficiently.
We purchased the Vredo 12m double disc injector with an aim to reduce volatilisation of NH3, increase the efficiency of applied nutrients and increase quality. Additionally, the disc injector reduces scorching risk of the grass which is common in traditional styles of application such as the splash plate. By using the specialist and unique equipment the product is placed at the root of the plant increasing nutrient uptake.
Using digestate can also have a financial benefit to grassland farmers whilst bagged fertiliser price is currently high. The digestate product contains the three main macro elements NPK whilst also supplying Micronutrients such as sulphur which is important for high fresh weight silage crops.
This article explains the value and necessity of injecting slurry and digestate