Compliance and using technology for traceability – our FACTS/Wamitab qualified advisors at FGS Organics are committed to the responsible application of fertilisers to land.

Our advisors ensure that all applications to land are matched to crop requirement, soil test results and fertiliser analysis. All applications are matched to the requirements of the end user in relation to compliance and legislation for the use of the fertiliser. Every area that receives an application is mapped and recorded on a specially designed, in-house mapping and compliance package.

How do we ensure traceability and fully auditable records for farmers and producers?


We have a bespoke IT system which records spreading and haulage tonnages digitally and reports back to head office in real-time.

Our spreader operators each have a tablet which they use to access daily jobs. They can view permits, field maps, risk assessments and other documents they may need. The tablets are used to complete online ticket for each field which allows us to create a spreading report and fertiliser application record per field. A variety of information can be included on the reports including field names, area spread, application rate and tonnage applied which can feed into a Manner report.

Tablets are also used by our team of lorry drivers. Each haulage load is recorded and linked to customer and their product receiving sites. In order to ensure traceability of all material the weighbridge tickets for each load is recorded along with the tonnage removed.

Our online database stores all of this information. We can view each customer to see historic delivery and applications of products to land. We supply and apply a range of products as fertiliser replacements and soil improvers – this recording system is used for all products, ensuring full traceability for farmers and producers, creating fully auditable records for cross compliance.

To find out more about sustainable solutions in agriculture from FGS Organics...