The photographs below show a Digestate time-lapse over a 4 week period. As can be seen in the Digestate time-lapse photos below, when matched with soil and crop requirements digestate can improve crop yield as well as build soil health.
Digestate otherwise know as Biofertiliser, is a nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser which can be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Containing high available nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur and is an excellent alternative to fossil fuel derived artificial fertilisers.
Digestate is an excellent alternative to bagged fertilisers. Using it improves the sustainability of farming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases associated with fertiliser manufacture, and by reconnecting nutrient cycles.
To make optimum use of the nitrogen content of digestate, it should be applied at times of maximum crop growth. This would normally be from late winter (i.e. February) through spring and summer. It is unlikely that nitrogen will be taken up efficiently by crops from autumn applications of digestate, other than for the few crops that have a nitrogen requirement at this time of year, such as oilseed rape.
The PAS110ADQP Biofertiliser was transported to site using our bespoke tanker fleet from one of our locally contracted AD sites that produces green energy from food waste.
Precision application using our self-propelled Vredo with 12m disk injector that delivers the Biofertiliser directly to the rooting zone to maximise plant uptake of nutrients and minimise losses through volatilisation.
Contact us for further information regarding digestate and its spring and summer applications. Call us today on 01233 820055 or, if preferred please use the contact form